Wednesday, 30 September 2015

The End of the Rainbow

She opened her eyes to the beautiful world,

Greeted the nature with a smile unfurled.


No end to dreams,

No end to laughter,


All she ever wanted was a pulse of love ever after.

Gaze of hope and hands to cope,

Kept her going along the rope, when the world secretly eloped.


Humming the song of life,

She moved ahead unattached with no demise.


Met a chum on her way to the crumb,

 Among all the dearest was the thumb.


Now she thought was the time to rely,

But yet again time refused to defy.


What she thought was a ladder to glee,

Turned to be a barren tree.


Dreams remained furled,

Eyes remained curled…

The urge was never ending

So the smile decided to fake the pending.

Anchal Shah

PGP - MarComm 2015-16



Sunday, 27 September 2015


Life truly is a wonderful gift to have. Though the sheen of it seems to have been considerably soiled by the problems we are creating and the problems we divulge. We live today in the shadows of violence, our own insecurities and severe competitive environment. And what has caused such extreme degeneration of the pure joy of living? Is it greed?

  I tend to agree. Our daily lives are driven by the ambition to accumulate. For instance, we hoard titles of wealth to earn a position in society, while trying hard to avoid the pitfalls of failure. What has made life so deceitful? It is greed which we masquerade as ambition - which is a fine quality to have. However I have to say, greed is the reason that has soiled the joy of living, and what is life without joy? A famous author once said that greed is “A selfish or excessive desire more than needed or deserved.”

Greed doesn’t just poison us on an individual level. The world wars of the last century, the great economic depression, cold war and several calamities have been fuelled by this destructive desire. Be it greed for power or greed for wealth. And today sadly our greed for comfort has led to a catastrophic disaster which is not only affecting our fellow men but the entire planet.

The world as of today is more educated than it was but still has never acted more foolishly. Greed is the fuel which is powering our own destruction and unfortunately it never runs out. Now is the time we seize the initiative, be realistic, reflect on things as they are and probably even take corrective actions. Let’s empty our cans of greed and stop the vehicle of personal and global destruction. For life is to live and to live is to be happy.
Anisha Lalwani
MR 2015-16

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

The People Who 'Cry Wolf'

  Social responsibility, practical joke, social experiment whatever you may call it, you see these videos popping up on the internet about rape, women empowerment, social response to a crime and wonder if there actually exists more crimes than fake viral videos of it. Now we're all for educating the world about empathy and creating an ideal world where people act as parts of a well-oiled machine called 'the society' over the new and exciting medium, we remain skeptical as to thinking whether 'crying wolf' is the best way to go about a social revolution that the world is desperately crying out for.

    While there are several reasons for us to strongly condemn this supposedly genuine act of social responsibility, we’re not planning on elaborating the obvious just to prove a point. From a more logical point of view let’s start off by admitting that these poor attempts at social reforms are in all respects for entertainment purposes and plays absolutely no part in changing the way people live, think or act. From a standalone perspective of the matter it cannot be considered to be acts of social responsibility since it is purely commercial at heart, cause if these videos or social media posts actually did share something common with it, poverty stricken Somalian children would be billionaire driving their Mercedes and enjoying the high life based on the attention it commands over the new medium.

The viral nature of such videos increases the likelihood of an actual person who may come across an incident such as rape viewing the same, furthermore, be influenced by it when faced with an actual scenario, not necessarily in a good way, since this to them is nothing more than a prank by bored adolescents trying desperately to create a viral video that nobody wants to be a part of. 

The fight or flight response triggered by the human brain when faced with an unfamiliar social situation is purely instinctual and situational. Our point being that by creating a fake scenario in a video all they accomplish is showing how an average brain would function under the prevalent stress of the simulated situation, which isn’t necessarily the ideal solution to the problem we are facing right now. Aside from the fact that it is only done for pointing fingers at people who might not function well under stress. Let’s not forget the all too familiar social and judicial repercussion an individual is faced with on a genuinely heroic attempt to fight the ‘social malice’. We’ve seen it, read about it and at least some of us have questioned the integrity of a person who tried to help out a girl being invaded or a wounded guy by the sidewalk. Could we be blamed for thinking so? With the world being so twisted as it is who could be trusted?

Basic human behaviour is the social infection here and that is something that exists within the system. Our efforts to cure this infection is compromised by the fact that we ourselves are working within the system. Adding commercialism to the mix doesn’t help the cause either. For those of you who are supposedly helping the cause by capitalizing on it, we suggest you help by not helping such that the true heroes of our society are open to do their jobs without being tainted by influence of this unfiltered medium soiled by human thoughts, selfishness and whims. It might be the innocence of a kid who is unable to fathom the seriousness of a dangerous situation or a helpless old man crying out for aid for a fellow being being wronged that could save the day.

With hopes that the hero that exist within each one of us could rise up to the challenges set by the society and the mechanical mob behavior, we leave you with nothing more than information and influential thought, not videos.

Jugal Joseph
PGP Marcomm -2015-16

Northpoint Centre of Learning

Sunday, 6 September 2015


Juxtaposing the perspectives of Indians towards Godmen surely succeeds in baffling a “non-Indian”. But for a bhartiya, it’s a dilemma which has become a part and parcel of our everyday life. Every era has had its own quota of numerous godmen either claiming of being a reincarnation of God himself or just a guru who enlightens us with a path to our salvation.
Even though the names of these so called godmen have changed with the changing time, the image or the feel attached with them remains constant. One always expects them to be detached from all the worldly pleasures: someone who has already attained nirvana.
In a flourishing community which is highly skewed towards men, seldom do we find a “Godwomen” who enjoys such a bizarre list of followers. This doesn’t mean that I am claiming their existence to be a question mark but rather I am simply throwing light on their low acceptance level by the guru-seekers. Still going against the odds, many a times these women have succeeded in attracting massive chunks of our population and transformed them into their devotees.
But is that it? Are these saints only there to help us in attaining “moksh”? I have always grappled with accepting that there is no other side to their intentions. A part of my growing up was reading about the various heinous crimes committed by them thereby conjuring in me a sense of hatred towards them.
Then what is it that pulls millions of “bhakts” towards these men? Is it their charismatic persona which Hitler is believed to have possessed too or are they actually sent by the almighty himself? This is where rational individuals like me would exasperate in astonishment and throw colossal number of examples exposing godmens who were simply cheats.
Coming from a school of thought who believes that one doesn’t need an intermediary to be one with the creator or himself, I find this whole idea of their existence ridiculous. But then again this is just seeing the world from my lenses and hence would give it an incomplete ending. Brooding on the psyche of the followers who serve their entire lives for these spiritual leaders makes me keen on knowing them personally. What is it that makes them blindly follow them? Is it something which is too abstract for me to comprehend or is it simply an illusion trap in which millions of us Indians fall daily!
Sophia Jose