Thursday 27 August 2015

Wrath of the Feminazi

I have a fair idea that the title sounds like Radio GaGa and can be summed up as 'the agitation of the XY chromosome' and before I get any further with what I have to say, a dozen girls might have already decided that I am a misogynist who deserves death for his obscene odes, but as a man who represents this generation I'm going to go ahead and say what I want to, so you might as well, read on.

Feminism empowers women and is necessary in a society that always favours men but it is a tool that can be used either way.

Yes, you are stronger than I am and probably better in many other things ,but that doesn't mean we are drained batteries without no value.

So who or what exactly is a Feminazi?
Feminazis relate feminism to things that don't make sense. Feminazi is a viral feeling.
The girl who leaves her loyal boyfriend for someone else because she knows she is attractive,  and has many other choices or perhaps,  the lady who says, "All men only want sex", without thinking  about stereotyping men  and ironically raising a voice against men who stereotype women as a sexual requirement . Or the girl who says, "You don't have to hold the door open for me just because I'm a girl!" to a guy who is just showing some courtesy - are all different shades of feminazi.
I AM proud of all women, right from Savitribai Phule to Marian Keyes, who rose against all odds and they are the reason why we are at this point in time where gender is no more a ground for discrimination, where there is a lot of pride in women about who they are and no prejudice in men for the same reason.
But women of the 21st century, women who get inspired by campaigns like Deepika Padukone's 'My Choice' video,  are definitely not in line with what feminism stands for.
Of course there are women who understand this and choose to be sensible about it and personally, I've been fortunate enough to have a few , I’m sure there are many who feel the same way. As for the rest of them, I don't see what makes them the undesirable people they are. They get offended easily; perhaps they see every kind gesture and a casual help through a different spectacle and translate it into "He thinks I'm weak!" Perhaps there are a million reasons to why they see me paying for our round of coffees as a sign of my dominance and their weakness. All I'm saying is let's just fix this - together.
Yes, you are independent but when you are living in a society with other people, accepting a little help is never harmful. Get. It. Straight.
After all this, if you are still in your feminazi shoes, whining about something that slipped from my pen and hit you hard, good. You deserve some.

Mihir Amrite 
PGP Marcomm 2015-16